Characters Introduced:
Locations Visited:
Second story and right into it, we have the doctor meeting for the first time ever, the Daleks. Those who would become his greatest foe, and remain largely unchanged throughout the last 40 years. While their ambitions of domination are on a much smaller scale here, by the end of the serial they have no qualms with setting off a neutron bomb on skaro, which would give them radiation needed to survive, but kill everything else on the planet.
The Doctor here still doesn't accept Barbara and Ian as companions, in fact he sabotages the TARDIS just to make an excuse to explore the Dalek city, although he will come to regret that decision. The TARDIS's equipment doesnt register the radiation on the planet quickly enough for susan to catch it, and everyone becomes sick with radiation poisioning while exploring. They meet the Thaals who provide them with a cure, which the Daleks want, but it turns out to be poisonous to them, as they and the Thaals have mutated in different directions from the radiation. The Doctor and his companions are captured and escape, and are forced into helping the Thaals stop the Daleks to retrieve the TARDIS component they need to leave Skaro.
Of course everything works out, in a massive 7 part story. This was adapted into one of the Peter Cushing movies, which is how i first saw it, and it's really awesome that all seven parts survived intact, as many of the early adventures were lost in part or completely thanks to the BBC. Definitely give this serial a watch, its available on DVD so there is no excuse!
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