Friday, December 14, 2012

LEGO Review: Spider-Man Spider Cycle Chase Set 76004

The next batch of Lego Superhero sets have started showing up. I spotted the Daily Bugle set at a LEGO store the other day, and today Toys R Us had the Dark Knight Rises set and this one. Although TRU always marks up their LEGO's, I did pick this up because it looked like it would be a fun build for a saturday night. Read on to hear my thoughts...

This set includes 3 Minifigs, 2 vehicles, and extras.

The Minifigs:

Spider-Man - Spidey is spidey. He has nice printing on the front and back, looks how he should look. No complaints, but nothing special. Exactly the same as the one that came with the Doc Ock Lab set earlier this year.

Venom - Venom has a nice toothy grin, printing on the front and back of his chest, and a tendril backpack. Some of the muscle lines on his chest seem a little thick for my liking, at the cost of the logo. A minor nitpick but a nitpick nonetheless. The black rubbery vine pieces are a nice addition as his tendrils, although they did seem to have some trouble staying clipped in as I was moving them about.

Nick Fury - On the plus side it's Nick Fury. On the downside he's wearing a dark blue SHIELD lacky top rather than his usual black getup. I presume that this was so his chest could have some details printed. I'm transplanting his head to an all black body with the gown from the graduate minifig and donating his body to be a random shield dude to play Galaga. He also comes with a gun.

The Vehicles:

Spider Cycle - Spidey's joining Wolvering and Captain America in the Marvel biker gang. This is straight out of the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, which I recently watched all of over the course of a couple days last week. In the cartoon Doctor Conners tells Spidey SHIELD made it for him to get across the city faster, but I'm pretty sure it was made to sell toys. In the show it can switch from a motorcycle to a hoverbike, a feature they chose to replicate in the LEGO model. The wheels pivot upwards sideways and a rounded piece on the underside of the bike helps it glide smoothly across a table. You have one sticker to apply of the Spider logo to the front fender. The bike looks reasonably close to the bike in the cartoon and was a fun little build.

Fury's Roadster - I don't recall seeing this Ultimate Spider-Man, but it's possible I just don't remember it. To be honest most of the series got on my nerves. All the cut away fourth wall breaking stuff with the deformed 'cutsey' spiderman that I assume is aimed at a younger audience I found tedious and unfunny. There was just so much of it, and it didn't grow on me at all, unlike the cutaway/anime style stuff they've been doing in the new Ninja Turtles. I still don't love it, but I guess that's what kids like nowadays? Either way Fury gets a big green sports car. It's a one seater with a nice little spoiler, and an interesting way of doing the windshield which I hadn't seen done before. Like the Spider Cycle the wheels fold down so it can fly around New York. Unlike the Spider Cycle it doesn't have anything to help it glide along the tabletop. Upon further investigation it appears this is because having the rounded pieces would prevent the wheels from making contact with the ground while in the driving position. The trunk also pivots upwards revealing a flick fire missile. At least in this set it makes sense as a spy car would have a missile launcher in the trunk. There are also three more stickers, two license plates and a SHIELD hood ornament.

The Extras:

Spidey comes with one of his weblines, also the same as the Doc Ock Lab set. I wouldn't have minded one a little shorter, but it's fine.

Venom comes with a couple of venom spores. I don't remember these being in the series either, but again I could be mistaken. Either way we get two identical pods with tentacles and teeth. While they seem a little big next to Spidey they are a neat addition to the set.

The Verdict:

All in all it was a fun build. The Venom and Fury minifigs are a welcome addition to the Marvel crew and while I don't know the MSRP (guessing around $17? I paid around $22 at TRU) even that's not too bad for a licensed set with 237 pieces, so it's a buy.

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