Monday, September 20, 2010

Currently Playing: Heavy Rain

Just got this from Gamefly, started it tonight. So far i think it's an interesting idea, but i'm not sure how much i like it. The controls seem pretty good except for movement, it seems to have the problem of changing direction as the camera changes, making me go in circles for a bit. It might be something i get used to, but between that and the lack of running it's pretty frustrating. *Spoilers within*

I've just played for maybe an hour, so far i've gotten through the first 3 'scenes' before the party, the mall, and picking my son up from school. So far my biggest problem with it has to do with the son dying, that he runs off from me, then i reward him for it by getting him a balloon, only for him to immediately run out of the mall and across the street, and on his way back get hit by a car. it frustrated me that the character would still get him the balloon after he took off, and it didn't make sense why he ran all the way outside of the mall and across the street. Maybe why he did will be addressed later in the game, but it didn't make sense to me as it stands now. I still have a way to go so we'll see if it gets any better.

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